The Politics of Fear
The Origins of Enlightenment
Carabatea, M. Greek Mythology. Pergamos, Peania, 2007. Print.
Dalley, S. The Epic of Creation , in Myths from Mesopotamia, Creation, the Flood, Gilgamesh, and Others. Oxford, 2008. Oxford University Press, Print.
Boring, Eugene. An Introduction to the New Testament: History, Literature, Theology. Westminster, 2012. John Knox Press, Print.
Ginzberg, Louis. The Legends of the Jews: From the Creation to Exodus: Notes for Volumes 1 and 2. Baltimore, 1998. JHU Press, Print.
Wheeler, Brannon M. Prophets in the Quran: An Introduction to the Quran and Muslim Exegesis. Edinburgh, 2002. A&C Black, Print.
The Holy Bible. International Version. 2011. Biblica, Web Archive.
Freud, Sigmund. An Outline of Psycho-Analysis. 1940. The Norton Library, Print.
International Journal of Psycho-Analysis. Web Archive.
Janssen, P. Out To Africa. Web Archive.
Various Contributors. 2018. Web Archive.
Various Contributors. 2018. Web Archive.
Parsons, C and Hennigan, W.J. Obama’s Legacy. 2017. LA Times, Print.
Various Contributors. 2018. Web Archive.
Washington, G. President George Washington's Farewell Address. 1796. Web archive.
Juhasz, A. Paramilitary security tracked and targeted DAPL opponents as ‘jihadists,’ docs show. Seattle, 2017. Grist Publishing, Article.
Wofford, T. 15 Most Outrageous Examples Of Police Misconduct In The DOJ Report On Ferguson. New York, 2015. Huffpost, Article.
Wilde, R. How the Treaty of Versailles Contributed to Hitler's Rise. New York, Updated 2020. ThoughtCo, Article.
Sutton, A.C. Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler: The Astonishing True Story of the American Financiers Who Bankrolled the Nazis. East Sussex, 1976. Temple Lodge Publishing, Print.
Jacobsen, A. Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program that Brought Nazi Scientists to America. Boston, 2014. Little, Brown and Company, Print.
Geopolitical Futures, Various Contributors. Here's how Nazi Germany lost on the Eastern Front to the Soviet Union in World War II. Arizona, 2017. Mauldin Economics, Article.
Kassop, N. The War Power and Its Limits. Presidential Studies Quarterly. New York, 2003. University of Vermont, Essay.
Kelly, M.L. When The U.S. Military Strikes, White House Points To A 2001 Measure. Washington, 2016. NPR, Article.
Various Contributors. Web Archive.
Sieyes, E.J. Lafayette, Marquis. Declaration of the Rights of Man. France, 1789. Avalon Project, Articles.
Rousseau, J. The Social Contract. France, 1762. Hackett Publishing Company, Print.
Rousseau, J. Discourse on Inequality. France, 1754. Aziloth Books, Print.
The Things We Fear
Jr. Vine Deloria. Custer Died for Your Sins: An Indian Manifesto. Oklahoma, 1988. University of Oklahoma Press, Print.
Livingstone, D. Missionary travels and researches in South Africa. UK, 1857. The Narrative Press, Print.
Hochschild, A. King Leopold's Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa. Boston, 1999. Houghton Mifflin, Print.
Schimmer, R. Hispaniola Case Study: Colonial Genocides. Connecticut. Yale University, Web Archive.
Ming, Y. A Country Where Faith Becomes a 'Necessary Evil’. Washington, 2017. National Geographic, Web Archive.
Alexander, M. The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness. New York, 2010. The New Press, Thesis.
Various Contributors. Cuba: Fidel Castro’s Record of Repression Misguided US Embargo Provided Pretext for Abuse. Washington, 2016. Human Rights Watch, Article.
Jabareen, H. Israeli parliament votes to approve Nation-State Law that enshrines Jewish supremacy over Palestinian citizens. Haifa, 2018. Adalah, Web Archive.
Zaher, S. Israel's Message to Its Palestinian Citizens: Jewish Rights Are Superior. Tel Aviv, 2018. Haaretz, Web Archive.
Sullivan, M. Why Muslims See the Crusades So Differently from Christians. New York, 2017. A&E History, Web Archive.
Various Contributors. Charlottesville: One killed in violence over US far-right rally. London, 2017. BBC, Web Archive.
Beech, H. Buddhists Go to Battle: When Nationalism Overrides Pacifism. New York, 2019. NY Times, Article.
Pazzanese, C. In Europe, nationalism rising. Massachusetts, 2017. Harvard University, Article.
Various Contributors. Khmer Rouge. New York, 2018. A&E History, Web Archive.
Ball, J. Did Mao Really Kill Millions in the Great Leap Forward? New York, 2006. Monthly Review, Article.
Somin, I. Did Joseph Stalin Commit Genocide? Los Angeles, 2010. DMCA, Web Archive.
Various Contributors. Yetzer Ha-Tov and Yetzer Ha-Ra. Oxfordshire. Oxford, Reference.
Various Contributors. Who is Satan? USA. Derech HaTorah, Article.
Editors, C.R. The Historical and Theological Evolution of Satan, the Devil, and Hell. USA, 2013. CreateSpace, Print.
The Holy Bible. International Version. 2011. Biblica, Web Archive.
Sena, M. Tax Preparation Industry Analysis 2020 - Cost & Trends. Washington, 2018. IFA, Article.
Huseman, J. Filing Taxes Could Be Free and Simple. But H&R Block and Intuit Are Still Lobbying Against It. New York, 2017. ProPublica, Article.
Admin, M. Prominent Greek Thinkers Actually Hated Democracy. USA, 2013. KnowledgeNuts, Article.
Webster, Ian. CPI Inflation Calculator. USA, 2018. CPI, Database.
Pritchard, J. What Is Fractional-Reserve Banking? New York, 2020. The Balance, Article.
Paul, R. End the Fed. New York, 2010. Grand Central Publishing, Print.
Various Contributors. Bank Run. New York, 2010. A&E History, Web Archive.
Schilling, V. The True Story of Pocahontas: Historical Myths Versus Sad Reality. Virginia, 2017. Canku Ota, Article.
Custalow, L. The True Story of Pocahontas, the Other Side of History. Colorado, 2007. Fulcrum Publishing, Print.
Bogue, D. Components of Population Change in Suburban and Central City Populations of Standard Metropolitan Areas. New York, 1956. American Sociological Association, Thesis.
Hirsch, A. Blockbusting. Chicago, 2013. Encyclopedia of Chicago, Entry.
Gross, T. A 'Forgotten History' Of How The U.S. Government Segregated America. Washington, 2017. NPR, Article.
Rothstein, J and Scott, R. NAFTA’s Casualties Employment effects on men, women, and minorities. Washington, 1997. EPI, Article.
Fear Based Reactions
Dunbar-Ortiz, R. An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States. Boston, 2015. Beacon Press, Print.
Various Contributors. Salt Dome in the Zagros Mountains. Washington, 2006. NASA, Web Archive.
Various Contributors. Kirkuk–Haifa oil pipeline. 2018. Web Archive.
The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. Iraq - Iraq under Saddam Hussein. Chicago, 2018. Encyclopedia Britannica, Database.
Miller, K. How Important Was Oil in World War II? Washington, 2009. George Washington University, Web Archive.
Harris, S. and Aid M. Exclusive: CIA Files Prove America Helped Saddam as He Gassed Iran. Washington, 2013. Foreign Policy (FP Grahams Holding Company), Article.
Baer, R. Sleeping with the Devil: How Washington Sold Our Soul for Saudi Crude. New York, 2004. Three Rivers Press, Print.
Cohen, A. U.S. Checking Possibility of Pumping Oil From Northern Iraq to Haifa, via Jordan. Tel Aviv, 2003. Haaretz, Article.
PBS NewsHour. Why the U.S. strategy of arming Syrian rebels didn’t work. Virginia, 2017. PBS, Web Archive.
Bender, B. Exclusive: Massive Pentagon agency lost track of hundreds of millions of dollars. Virginia, 2018. Politico, Article.
Chantrill, C. Defense Spending Analysis. Washington, 2020. US Government Spending, Database.
Delman, E. Obama Promised to End America’s Wars—Has He? Washington, 2016. The Atlantic, Article.
The White House. U.S. Assistance to Ukraine since February 2014. Washington, 2016. Office of the Press Secretary, Database.
Franco, M. and Garcia, C. The Deportation Machine Obama Built for President Trump. New York, 2016. The Nation, Article.
Various Contributors. Web Archive.
McWhorter, J. How the War On Drugs is Destroying Black America. Washington, 2011. CATO Institute, Thesis.
Wagner, P and Sawyer, W. Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie 2018. Massachusetts, 2018. Prison Policy Initiative, US BJS, Database.
Hurtado, L. States move to outlaw 'prison gerrymandering': Where do inmates really live? New York, 2019. NBC News, Article.
Lewis, M. Democrats Hate Gerrymandering—Except When They Get to Do It. USA, 2018. Daily Beast, Article.
Niesse, M. Why did some voting machines sit unused on busy Georgia Election Day? Atlanta, 2018. AJC, Article.
Various Contributors. Bailed out banks. Atlanta, 2008. CNN, Database.
Nankin, J and Schmidt, K. History of U.S. Gov't Bailouts. New York, 2009. ProPublica, Article.
Various Contributors. Lockheed Martin - Subsidy Tracker. USA, 2018. Subsidy Tracker, Database.
Various Contributors. Influence and Lobbying, Organizations, Lockheed Martin. Washington, 2020. Center for Responsive Politics, Open Secrets, Database.
Various Contributors. Derivatives: An Overview. USA, 2018. This Matter, Article.
Zhao, C. The 2008 Financial Crisis Explained. Tokyo, 2009. Binance, Article.
Singh, M. The 2007-08 Financial Crisis in Review. New York, 2020. Investopedia, Article.
Various Contributors. Bankers Turned Politicians. New York, 2018. American Banker, List.
Floyd, D. 26 Goldman Sachs Alumni Who Run the World. New York, 2019. Investopedia, Article.
Amadeo, K. What Was the Bank Bailout Bill? Cost, Impact, How It Passed. New York, 2020. The Balance, Article.
Various Contributors. America and the War. Virginia, 2020. Global Security, Article.
Lozada, C. The Economics of World War I. Massachusetts, 2005. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2005.
Rader, B. Federal Taxation in the 1920s: A Re-examination. New York, 1971. JSTOR Library, Web Archive.
Norton, S. The Causes of the Banking Crises of the 1920’s. USA, 2012. The World Financial Review, Article.
Margolis, J. The US tried extra-high tariffs before, in 1930. It was a disaster. New York, 2017. The World, Article.
Various Contributors. Interest Rates, 1914-1965. St. Louis, 1965. Federal Reserve, Thesis.
Little, B. The U.S. Deported a Million of Its Own Citizens to Mexico During the Great Depression. New York, 2019. A&E History, Web Archive.
Aguilera, J. Citizens Facing Deportation Isn't New. Here's What Happened When the U.S. Removed Mexican-Americans in the 1930s. New York, 2019. Time Magazine, Article.
Blakemore, E. The Largest Mass Deportation in American History. New York, 2019. A&E History, Web Archive.
Gross, D. The U.S. Government Turned Away Thousands of Jewish Refugees, Fearing That They Were Nazi Spies. Washington, 2015. Smithsonian, Article.
Various Contributors. Japanese Americans during WWII: Relocation & Internment, Before Pearl Harbor, Nisei and Issei. Washington, 1982. Archives.Gov, Web Archive.
Frail, T.A. American Incarceration. Washington, 2017. Smithsonian Magazine, Article.
Various Contributors. President Obama Signs Indefinite Detention Bill Into Law. New York, 2011. ACLU, Article.
Bradley, C. and Goldsmith, J. Obama’s AUMF Legacy. Massachusetts, 2016. Cambridge, Article.
Various Contributors. Surveillance Under the USA/PATRIOT Act. New York, 2018. ACLU, Article.
Swan, B. ICE Now Aided by ‘Enhanced’ Spy Powers. USA, 2019. Daily Beast, Article.
Various Contributors. More About Department Of Homeland Security Spying. New York, 2018. ACLU, Article.
Toomey, P. The NSA Continues to Violate Americans' Internet Privacy Rights. New York, 2018. ACLU, Article.
Various Contributors. The Suez Crisis, 1956. Washington, 1960. Office of the Historian, Database.
Various Contributors. U.S. Voting Rights Timeline. California, 2004. Northern California Citizenship Project, Database.
Various Contributors. 2018. Web Archive.
Faux, J. NAFTA’s Impact on U.S. Workers. Washington, 2013. Economic Policy Institute, Article.
Weissmann, J. Waking the Sleeping Dragon. New York, 2016. Slate, Article.
Panda, A. Bush Gave China Permanent Normal Trade Relations Status With the US 15 Years Ago. What Did That Change? Tokyo, 2016. The Diplomat, Article.
McBride, J. and Chatzky, A. What Is the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)? New York, 2019. Council on Foreign Relations, Article.
Rappeport, A. Farmers’ Frustration With Trump Grows as U.S. Escalates China Fight. New York, 2019. NY Times, Article.
IRS Editors. Immigration and Taxation. Washington, 2014. IRS, Database.
McElmurry, S. How Do H-1B Visas Support US Economic Competitiveness? Chicago, 2018. Council on Global Affairs, Article.
Jordan, M. Trump Suspends Visas Allowing Hundreds of Thousands of Foreigners to Work in the U.S. New York, 2020. NY Times, Article.
Cigainero, J. Who Are France's Yellow Vest Protesters, And What Do They Want? Washington, 2018. NPR, Article.
Various Contributors. 2018. Web Archive.
Khan, O. Islamophobia and racism aren’t restricted to a few Tories and far-right thugs. London, 2020. The Guardian, Article.
Various Contributors. A Dark & Constant Rage: 25 Years of Right-Wing Terrorism in the United States. New York, 2017. ADL, Archive.
Various Contributors. Secondhand Smoke. Washington, 2018. CDC, Web Archive.
Fukuyama, F. Identity: The Demand for Dignity and the Politics of Resentment. New York, 2018. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, Print.
Stanford Editors. Hegel’s Dialectics. California, 2016. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Web Archive.
Various Contributors. The meaning and origin of the expression: There is no such thing as bad publicity. USA, 2020. The Phrase Finder, Database.
Fawaz, S. Here Are All of Trump’s Bankruptcies and Failed Businesses. Los Angeles, 2016. Labor 411, Article.
Tolan, C. Foreign government lobbyists are donating to Democrats, and some candidates are keeping the cash. San Francisco, 2019. Mercury News, Article.
Labott, E, McConnell, D. Lopez, J. Sinderbrand R. Clinton's foundation got millions from Saudis, Gates. Atlanta, 2008. CNN, Article.
Massoglia, A. Saudi foreign agents’ political donations top $1.6 million in 2018 elections. Washington, 2018. Center for Responsive Politics, Article.
Various Contributors. Recognizing Our Generous Supporters. New York, 2020. Clinton Foundation, Database.
Various Contributors. Rate of fatal police shootings in the United States from 2015 to July 2020, by ethnicity. Hamburg, 2020. Statista, Database.
Swaine, J and McCarthy, C. Young black men again faced the highest rate of US police killings in 2016. UK, 2016. The Guardian, Article.
Ali, I. Stone, M. Pentagon fails its first-ever audit. London, 2018. Reuters, Article.
Ratner, P. Why churches don't pay taxes and how much money the public could gain if they did. New York, 2018. Big Think, Article.
Matthews, D. You give religions more than $82.5 billion a year. Washington, 2013. Washington Post, Article.
Perry, M. Backfire economics – Trump’s tariffs are hurting US farmers and workers and putting the entire economy at risk. Washington, 2018. AEI, Article.
Rappeport, A. A $12 Billion Program to Help Farmers Stung by Trump’s Trade War Has Aided Few. New York, 2018. NY Times, Article.
Various Contributors. Colorado's success with long-acting reversible contraception (LARC). Colorado, 2017. Colorado Dept. of Public Help and Environment, Database.
Prevention Services Division. Taking the Unexpected out of Pregnancy. Colorado, 2017., Thesis.
Pearlman, J. Iconoclasm: Political Empowerment for the New Millennium. Atlanta, 2017. KDP, Print.
Swartz, N. Slant drilling ignored. Vallejo, 2010. Times Herald, Article.
Various Contributors. RECORDS OF THE PERSIAN GULF WAR. Boston, 2018. Gale Cengage, Web Archive.
Shivers, C.J. The Secret Casualties of Iraq's Abandoned Chemical Weapons. New York, 2014. New York Times, Article.
Various Contributors. US 'hid Iraq chemical weapons incidents'. London/New York, 2014. BBC/NYT, Articles.
Richman, S. Iraqi Sanctions: Were They Worth It? New York, 2004. Global Policy Forum, Article.
Shah, A. Effects of Iraq Sanctions. USA, 2005. Global Issues, Article.
Friedersdorf, C. Obama's Weak Defense of His Record on Drone Killings. Boston, 2016. The Atlantic, Article.
Barnard, A. US-Led Forces Said to Have Used White Phosphorus in Syria. New York, 2017. New York Times, Article.
Oakford, S. The United States Used Depleted Uranium in Syria. Washington, 2017. Foreign Policy Magazine, Article.
Griffin, E. G. The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve. New York, 2010. American Media, Print.
Wells, D. Banking Before the Federal Reserve: The U.S. and Canada Compared. Atlanta, 1987. Foundation for Economic Education, Article.
Poast, P. Central banks at war. South Africa, 2015. Pearson Institute, Thesis.
Henderson, D. The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families. Montreal, 2020. Center for Research on Globalization, Web Archive.
Richardson, G and Romero, J. The Meeting at Jekyll Island. St. Louis, 2015. Federal Reserve History, Article.
Butler, R. What happens if interest rates increase too quickly? New York, 2019. Investopedia, Article.
Foster, S. 5 ways the Fed’s interest rate decisions impact you. USA, 2020. Bankrate, Article.
Kasprak, A. Was It Illegal to Profit from Healthcare Prior to the HMO Act of 1973? Seattle, 2018. Snopes, Article.
Pratorius, T. For-profit healthcare was not a major thing until the 1970s. USA, 2018. DailyKos, Article.
O'Donnell, J. and Ungar, L. Rural hospitals in critical condition. Virginia, 2014. USA Today, Article.
Makary, M. The ObamaCare Effect: Hospital Monopolies. New York, 2015. WSJ, Article.
Norris, L. Understanding the ACA's Subsidy Cliff. New York, 2020. Very Well Health, Article.
Goodman, J. Where Did The Idea Of Obamacare Come From? A Defense Of The Heritage Foundation. New York, 2016. Forbes, Article.
Ranucci, S. Fallujah, The Hidden Massacre. Italy, 2005. Radiotelevisione italiana, Documentary.
Various Contributors. North Korea. Washington, 2020. NTI, Database.
Shorrock, T. Can the United States Own Up to Its War Crimes During the Korean War? New York, 2015. The Nation, Article.
Chossudovsky, M. America’s War against the People of Korea: The Historical Record of US War Crimes. Montreal, 2020. Center for Research on Globalization, Web Archive.
A&E History Editors. Korean War begins. New York, 2009. A&E History, Article.
Melissa, F. Crash Course: Cold War in Asia. Palo Alto, 2020. CK-12, Database.
USVA Editors. Veterans' Diseases Associated with Agent Orange. Washington, 2020. US Department of Veterans Affairs, Database.
Harden, B. The U.S. war crime North Korea won’t forget. Washington, 2015. Washington Post, Article.
Oakford, S. Salisbury, P. Yemen: The Graveyard of the Obama Doctrine. Boston, 2016. The Atlantic, Article.
Konczai, M. No, we don’t spend $1 trillion on welfare each year. Washington, 2014. Washington Post/CATO Institute, Database.
Seve, M. Operation Ajax: The Story of the CIA Coup that Remade the Middle East. London, 2015. Verso, Print.
McTighe, K. Years of Torture in Iran Comes to Light. New York, 2020. NY Times, Article.
Rogers, A. 'Heartbeat' Bills Get the Science of Fetal Heartbeats All Wrong. San Francisco, 2019. Wired, Article.
CDC Editors. Maternal and Infant Health-Infant Mortality. Washington, 2020. Center for Disease Control, Database.
Gehred, K. Did George Washington’s false teeth come from his slaves?: A look at the evidence, the responses to that evidence, and the limitations of history. Virginia, 2016. Washington Papers, Article.
The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. Fugitive Slave Acts. Chicago, 2018. Encyclopedia Britannica, Database.
Various Contributors. George Washington and slavery., Web Archive.
Lincoln, A. Lincoln Quote on Slavery. Illinois, 2015. NPS, Web Archive.
MacGuill, D. Did Abraham Lincoln Express Opposition to Racial Equality? Seattle, 2017. Snopes, Article.
Clark M. Why did the border states- Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri- where slavery was legal, not join other southern states in seceding in the months before Abraham Lincoln took office? New York, 2017. Socratic, Article.
Various Contributors. Fighting for Freedom, Black Union Soldiers of the Civil War. Virginia, 2018. City of Alexandria, Article.
Anderson, C. Native Americans and the Origin of Abraham Lincoln’s Views on Race. Michigan, 2016. Journal of the Abraham Lincoln Association, Article.
Native Hope Editors. The Six Grandfathers Before It Was Known as Mount Rushmore. South Dakota, 2018. Native Hope, Article.
Ortiz, R. An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States. Boston, 2015. Beacon Press, Print.
Richman, S. Fascism. Indiana, 2018. The Library of Economics and Liberty, Article.
Shaw, R. Fascism and the New Deal. Iowa, 1934. JSTOR, Thesis.
Richman, S. Fascism: Socialism with a Capitalist Veneer. Atlanta, 2019. Foundation for Economic Education, Article.
GLASS, A. Congress approves Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. Virginia, 2016. Politico, Article.
Ball, T. Communism. Chicago, 2018. Encyclopædia Britannica, Database.
KERLEY, D and COOK, J. TSA fails most tests in latest undercover operation at US airports. New York, 2017. ABC News, Article.
Folger, J. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. New York, 2020. Investopedia, Article.
Fox, M. The human cost of the US sanctions on Venezuela. Berlin, 2019. DW, Article.
Buncombe, A. US sanctions on Venezuela responsible for 'tens of thousands' of deaths, claims new report. London, 2019. The Independent/Centre for Economic and Policy Research, Article.
USHMM Editors. World War II: Key Dates. Washington, 2018. US Holocaust Memorial Museum, Database.
A&E Editors. Battle of Stalingrad. New York, 2009. A&E/History Channel, Article.
Various Contributors. USA, 2020. Web Archive.
Ellis, J. World War II: A Statistical Survey, Facts on File, New York, 1993. Facts on File, Print.
Carlin, D. Supernova in the East. Oregon, 2018. Hardcore History, Podcast.
Alperovitz, G. The War Was Won Before Hiroshima—And the Generals Who Dropped the Bomb Knew It. New York, 2015. The Nation, Article.
Morris, E. The Fog of War. USA, 2003. Sony Pictures, Film.
Wilson, W. The Bomb Didn’t Beat Japan … Stalin Did. Washington, 2013. Foreign Policy, Article.
Various Contributors. USA, 2018. Web Archive.
Alperovitz, G. Did America Have To Drop the Bomb?Not to End the War, But Truman Wanted To Intimidate Russia. Washington, 1985. Washington Post, Article.
Aris, B. Campbell, D. How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power.
Berlin/Washington, 2004. The Guardian, Article.
Rhymes, D. Profiting From Appeasement. USA, 2008. Daily Kos, Article.
Sutton, A. Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler. San Pedro, 1976. GSG & Associates, Print.
Watson, G. Operation Gomorrah: Firestorm created 'Germany's Nagasaki'. London, 2018. BBC, Article.
Passel, J. and Cohn, D. U.S. Unauthorized Immigrant Total Dips to Lowest Level in a Decade. Washington, 2018. PEW Research, Database.
RESTUCCIA, A. EVERETT, B. and CAYGLE, H. Longest shutdown in history ends after Trump relents on wall. Virginia, 2019. Politico, Article.
Serwer, A. A Crime by Any Name. Washington, 2019. The Atlantic, Article.
MARSHALL, S. Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President. Burbank, 2016. ABC, Article.
Moreno, K. The Private Deportation Machine. New York, 2016. Jacobin, Article.
Chappelow, J. and Barnier, B. Keynesian Economics. New York, 2020. Investopedia, Article.
University of Texas Editors. The Great Depression and the Keynesian Solution. Texas, 2020. UT, Thesis.
Leduc, S. and Wilson, D. Highway Grants: Roads to Prosperity? San Francisco, 2012. Federal Reserve of San Francisco, Article.
Amadeo, K. Savings and Loan Crisis Explained. New York, 2020. The Balance, Article.
Canova, T. The Legacy of the Clinton Bubble. California, 2008. Dissent, Article.
Various Contributors. 2020. Web Archive.
Lopez, G. The controversial 1994 crime law that Joe Biden helped write, explained. New York, 2019. Vox, Article.
ACLU Editors. 10 Reasons to Oppose "3 Strikes, You're Out". New York, 2020. ACLU, Article.
Various Contributors. 2020. Web Archive.
Jelsma, M. Learning Lessons from the Taliban Opium Ban. Amsterdam, 2005. TNI, Article.
WaPo Editors. Police shootings database 2015-2020. Washington, 2018-2020. Washington Post, Database.
Davis, K. Stremikis, K. Squires, D. and Schoen, C. How the U.S. Health Care System Compares Internationally. Washington, 2014. The Commonwealth Fund, Database.
UN Research Editors. United Nations Development Programme Human Development Reports. New York, 2018. United Nations, Database.
Roy, A. Sacramento, 2019. Haymarket Books, Web Archive.
Smith, A. The Wealth of Nations. Georgia, 2018. 12th Media Services, Print.
Kenton, W. Barnier, B. Neoliberalism. New York, 2020. Investopedia, Article.
Arcadia Editors. Smedley Butler and the 1930s Plot to Overthrow the President. New Hampshire, 2020. Arcadia Publishing, Article.
Butler, S. War is a Racket. Washington, 2003. Feral House Publishing, Print.
Federal Reserve Contributors. Survey of Consumer Finances. Washington, 2016. Federal Reserve Board of Governors, Triennial Survey, Database.
Lehmann, C. The Money Cult: Capitalism, Christianity, and the Unmaking of the American Dream. New York, 2017. Melville House, Print.
LoBianco, T. Report: Aide says Nixon's war on drugs targeted blacks, hippies. Atlanta, 2016. CNN, Article.
Baum, D. Legalize It All. New York, 2016. Harper’s Magazine, Article.
Prohibition Museum Editors. Prohibition Profits Transformed the Mob. Las Vegas, 2018. Prohibition Interactive History, Article.
Menendez, R. S. 2142 (113th): Venezuela Defense of Human Rights and Civil Society Act of 2014. Washington, 2014. GovTrack, Database.
Fulton, D. US Declares Venezuela 'Extraordinary Threat to National Security'. Portland, 2015. Common Dreams, Article.
Pons, C. Venezuela's Maduro threatens legal action against JPMorgan. London, 2016. Reuters, Article.
Osborne, C. Trump bans Venezuela's cryptocurrency Petro in the US. California, 2018. CBS Interactive, Article.
Treasury Editors. Venezuela-related Sanctions. Washington, 2018. Dept. of the US Treasury, Database.
Fear in the Modern World
Atomic Heritage Editors. Trinity Test -1945. Washington, 2014. Atomic Heritage Foundation, Article.
Freed, F. The Decision to Drop the Bomb. USA, 1965. NBC, Film.
Little, B. “Father of the Atomic Bomb” Was Blacklisted for Opposing H-Bomb. New York, 2018. A&E History, Article.
A&E History Editors. Soviets explode atomic bomb. New York, 2018. A&E History, Article.
MGM Editors. War and landmines in Angola. Germany, 2011. People Against Landmines, Article.
Davenport, K. Nuclear Weapons: Who Has What at a Glance. Washington, 2020. Arms Control Association, Database.
Graham, D. Nations that Gave up on Nuclear Bombs. New York, 2009. Newsweek, Article.
NATO Editors. Member countries. Brussels, 2018. NATO, Database.
Pompeo, M. U.S. Withdrawal from the INF Treaty on August 2, 2019. Washington, 2019. US Dept of State, Web Archive.
Rahman-Jones, I. Why does Russia support Syria and President Assad? London, 2017. BBC, Article.
McKelvey, T. Arming Syrian rebels: Where the US went wrong. Washington, 2015. BBC, Article.
HRW Editors. Current Violations of Human Rights in Nigeria. New York, 2018. Human Rights Watch, Article.
GS Editors. Francisco Macias Nguema. Virginia, 2018. Global Security, Article.
Kaufman, M. Idi Amin, Murderous and Erratic Ruler of Uganda in the 70's, Dies in Exile. New York, 2003. New York Times, Article.
BAKER, S. Exiled Tibetans say 1.2 million killed during Chinese rule. Washington, 1984. UPI, Article.
Malthus, T. An Essay on the Principle of Population. Mineola, 2007. Dover Publications, Print.
FAO Editors. World hunger falls to under 800 million, eradication is next goal. Rome, 2015. Food and Agriculture Organization/UN, Database.
WDB Editors. We Can Feed EVERY Hungry Person On Earth If We Want To. USA, 2014. World Daily Bread/FAO, Article.
MacDonald, J. Hoppe, J. and Newton, D. Three Decades of Consolidation in U.S. Agriculture. Washington, 2018. USDA, Web Archive.
Population Research Institute. Overpopulation is a Myth, Virginia, 2020. PRI, Database.
FAO Editors. Africa’s sleeping giant. Rome, 2009. Food and Agriculture Organization/UN, Database.
UN Editors. Brussels, 2018. World Population Review, Database.
UN Editors. Brussels, 2018. World Population Review, Database.
Silver, B. Reddington, CL. Arnold, SR. and Spracklen, DV. Substantial changes in air pollution across China during 2015–2017. USA, 2017. IOP Science, Database.
Nazaryan, A. The US Department of Defense Is One of the World's Biggest Polluters. New York, 2014. Newsweek, Article.
Gore, T. Extreme Carbon Inequality. Nairobi, 2015. Oxfam, Thesis.
UN FAO Editors. Livestock and the environment. Brussels, 2018. UN FAO, Web Archive.
Lexico Editors. Definition of terrorism in English. Oxfordshire, 2020. Oxford Dictionary, Entry.
Various Contributors. Terrorism in the United States. USA, 2020. FBI/DHS, Database.
McLaughlin, J. Why Wasn’t Dylann Roof Charged With Terrorism? New York, 2015. The Intercept, Article.
Various Contributors. Elliot Rodger: How misogynist killer became 'incel hero'. London, 2018. BBC, Article.
Greenslade, R. Iranian broadcaster raises suspicions about death of reporter on Syrian border. London, 2014. The Guardian, Article.
Daniels, K. NATO countries to support rebels, many of whom have pledged allegiance to ISIS. New York, 2015. Centre for Research on Globalization/Daily Star Lebanon, Article.
Various Contributors. Operation Cyclone. USA, 2018. Web Archive.
Baer, R. Sleeping with the Devil: How Washington Sold Our Soul for Saudi Crude. New York, 2004. Three Rivers Press, Print.
HRW Editors. A Wedding That Became a Funeral. New York, 2014. Human Rights Watch, Article.
Michael, M and Al-Zekri, M. The Hidden Toll of American Drones in Yemen: Civilian Deaths. Washington, 2018. Pulitzer Center, Article.
Ackerman, S. 41 men targeted but 1,147 people killed: US drone strikes – the facts on the ground. New York, 2014. The Guardian/Reprieve Organization for Human Rights, Article.
Zenko, M. America’s 500th Drone Strike. New York, 2014. Council on Foreign Relations, Article.
Various Contributors. United States involvement in regime change. 2020. Web Archive.
Britannica Editors. John L. O’Sullivan. Chicago, 2018. Encyclopedia Britannica, Entry.
Pruitt, S. How Henry VIII’s Divorce Led to Reformation. New York, 2020. A&E History, Article.
Bremer, F. John Winthrop: America's Forgotten Founding Father. Oxfordshire, 2005. Oxford University Press, Print.
Friedman, T. The Lexus and the Olive Tree: Understanding Globalization. London, 2012. Picador, Print.
Milliot, J. Amazon's 2018 Sales Topped $232 Billion. New York, 2019. Publisher’s Weekly, Article.
Davis, A. Why Amazon paid no 2018 US federal income tax. New Jersey, 2019. CNBC, Article.
Brown, C. Amazon Gets Tax Breaks While Its Employees Rely on Food Stamps, New Data Shows. New York, 2018. The Intercept, Article.
Duffin, E. Public debt of the United States from 1990 to 2019. Hamburg, 2019. Statista, Database.
Larson, W. New Estimates of Value of Land of the United States. Maryland, 2015. Bureau of Economic Analysis, Database.
Amadeo, K. Glass Steagall Act of 1933, Its Purpose and Repeal. New York, 2020. The Balance, Article.
Better Markets Contributors. Washington Times: Report: Wall St. collapse cost U.S. $12.8T. Washington, 2012. Better Markets, Article.
DeSilver, D. Despite global concerns about democracy, more than half of countries are democratic. Washington, 2019. PEW Research, Database.
Marshall, M. Gurr, T. Polity IV Project: Political Regime Characteristics and Transitions, 1800-2013. Maryland, 2013.
Fukuyama, F. Identity: The Demand for Dignity and the Politics of Resentment. New York, 2018. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, Print.
Conquering Our Fears
López, V. Rampant Abuses in Immigration Detention Prove ICE Is Rotten to the Core. New York City, 2019. ACLU, Article.
ACLU Editors. New Report Is Based on Thousands of Government Documents Obtained Through the Freedom of Information Act That Detail Horrific Stories. New York, 2018. ACLU, Article.
PBS Editors. Marijuana Timeline. Virginia, 2018. Public Broadcast System, Database.
CDC Editors. Excessive Alcohol Use. Atlanta, 2020. National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Article.
Meade, L. Reefer Madness. California, 1938. George A. Hirliman Productions, Film.
Tolkien, J. Regarding other matters. USA, 1943. The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien, Print.
Choma, R. Millionaires’ Club: For First Time, Most Lawmakers are Worth $1 Million-Plus. Washington, 2014. Centre for Responsive Politics, Article.
Peterson-Withorn, C. Inside Betsy DeVos’ Billions: Just How Rich Is The Education Secretary? New Jersey 2019. Forbes, Article.
MAUGER, C. DeVos Family Has Made At Least $82 Million In Political Contributions Since 1999, According To Campaign Finance Disclosures. Michigan, 2017. Michigan Campaign Finance Network, Database.
Mazzetti, M. and Goldman, A. Erik Prince, Blackwater founder and Betsy DeVos’ brother, recruits ex-spies to infiltrate liberal groups — including campaigns and unions. Chicago, 2020. Chicago Tribune/NYT, Article.
Smith, J. New AFL-CIO report shows pay disparity between CEOs, workers. Sunnyvale, 2019. AFL-CIO/Yahoo Finance, Database.
Uldrich, J. Higher Unlearning: 39 Post-Requisite Lessons for Achieving a Successful Future. St. Paul, 2011. Beavers Pond Press, Print.
Gladwell, M. Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking. New York, 2007. Back Bay Books, Print.
Casey, N. Koettl, C. and Acosta, D. Footage Contradicts U.S. Claim That Nicolás Maduro Burned Aid Convoy. New York, 2019. New York Times, Print.
Silver, C. The Top 20 Economies in the World. New York, 2020. Investopedia/IMF, Database.
Turse, N. Violence Has Spiked in Africa Since the Military Founded AFRICOM, Pentagon Study Finds. New York, 2019. The Intercept, Article.
Cheney, D. Report of the National Energy Policy Development Group. Washington, 2001. The White House, Thesis.
Downs, E. The Fact and Fiction of Sino-African Energy Relations. South Dakota, 2007. Brookings University, Thesis.
Rosenbaum, E. Russo, D. China plans a solar power play in space that NASA abandoned decades ago. New Jersey, 2019. CNBC, Article.
Germanos, A. United States Doesn't Even Make Top 20 on Global Democracy Index. USA, 2019. Commondreams/EIU, Database.
Eco, U. Inventing the Enemy: Essays. Boston, 2012. Mariner Books, Print.
Various Contributors. Robert Califf. 2020. Web Archive.
Strickler, L. Former DEA official now working for OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma. New York, 2019. NBC, Article.
Warner, M. Obama Gives Former Food Lobbyist Michael Taylor a Second Chance at the FDA. New York, 2010. CBS, Article.
Chomsky, N. The Common Good (Real Story). USA, 1998. Odonian Press, Print.
Oslo University Curators. 1,500 animal species practice homosexuality. Oslo, 2006. Medical Life Sciences, Article.
Kornacki, S. Why Bill Clinton really signed DOMA. New York, 2015. MSNBC, Article.
HRW Editors. Trump's 'Mexico City Policy' or 'Global Gag Rule'. New York, 2018. Human Rights Watch, Article.
Murugan, V. Embryonic Stem Cell Research: A Decade of Debate from Bush to Obama. Maryland, 2009. NCBI, Article.
Connor, P. and Krogstad, J. For the first time, U.S. resettles fewer refugees than the rest of the world. Washington, 2018. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees/PEW Research Center, Article/Database.
Various Contributors. United States involvement in regime change in Latin America. 2020. Web Archive.