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The Politics Of Fear

The Politics Of Fear

In his second release, ‘The Politics of Fear’, Jaron Pearlman explores the effects that fear has upon both modern politics and sociology. His first book ‘Iconoclasm: Political Empowerment for the New Millennium’ (2018) illustrated the various frameworks needed for social interaction and civics through a series of short essays. ‘The Politics of Fear’ builds upon this, aiming to shed light onto the inner workings of how fear is used to manipulate and subjugate the will of constituents.

Fear is not just a survival mechanism, it is also an inexorable facet of our pride, our identities, and our national histories. Pearlman powerfully and unapologetically conveys how the removal of our unwarranted fears is key to the successful evolution of individualism, democracy, and sustainable economics. We are reminded once more through Pearlman’s candid outlook that we all share the same hopes and hindrances, the same futures and fears.

Voluntary donations can be sent below or through paypal (jaronpearlman@gmail.com)
